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Harley Construction
A division of Medical Services Ltd
Supplier Code of Conduct
At Harley Construction, we place Corporate Responsibility and Inclusion, Diversity and Social Equality high on our list of priorities and believe they are core to the backbone of any sustainable business. We are equally committed to our clients and our candidates and the communities we serve, acting as responsible citizens in every respect.
We focus on the following key areas:
Acting in a transparent and inclusive manner to ensure access to our organisation for diverse and under represented suppliers.
Ensuring our people, clients, suppliers and other third parties are treated with dignity and respect, irrespective of gender, race, faith, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or socio-economic background.
Recruitment suppliers attract the best candidates from a diverse pool of talent.
Combatting slavery and human trafficking in our business and across our supply chains.
We believe that by working together with suppliers we will add value to our business and those of our client’s organisations and help deliver change to meet sustainability challenges.
Reducing environmental impacts will yield benefits in a future where resources are scarce, and successful businesses will need to draw on the full range of diverse talent to deliver the innovation necessary to prosper.
We further believe that the Living Wage can lead to a more motivated workforce and that our links with health & care communities can realise social mobility benefits through improved access our client’s organisations.
We therefore advocate that our suppliers:
Act with integrity, constantly striving to uphold the highest standards of ethical practice.
Adhere to all applicable laws and regulations of their country of origin and the United Kingdom.
Avoid any conflicts of interest and never participate in improper practices such as bribery or corruption.
Abide by the same high standards and practices in relation to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking, including (i) not using slave labour, illegal child labour or force labour, (ii) ensuring that all terms of employment are voluntary and (iii) adhering to local laws in respect of minimum age requirements, wages, overtime and working hours.
Embed Corporate Responsibility and Inclusion, Diversity and Social Equality within their workplace policies and practices.
Work with their own suppliers to ensure these values and practices are cascaded along the supply chain, including ensuring full compliance to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
We are committed to the principals of the United Nations Global Compact ( and are committed to working towards a more sustainable and inclusive global economy. The Compact informs our Supplier Code of Conduct and we require our suppliers to adopt its principles, underpinned by commitments to business conduct, labour conditions and human rights and environment.
The Compact also resonates squarely with the our values of ethical behaviour which we adopt and requires our people, our partners and our suppliers to adhere to.
Harley Construction is a division of Harley Medical Services Ltd - Supplier Code of Conduct - Version 1.0.1 Approved by the board on 20.10.2023. © Harley Medical Services Ltd 2023